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Gospel Mission Ministry in India I greet you in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus the Christ. I thank God for you and your congregation; our Father has bestowed the gift of love and fellowship that continues to resonate and blossom in the Kingdom throughout the years.


God has encouraged our ministry beyond the walls of New Jersey. 

We are not remiss to spreading the gospel ministry internationally.

Can you envision a land where the gospel of our Lord Christ Jesus represents less than one percent of the population? Where cows are considered holy, animal sacrifices are a weekly occurrence and human cremations take place daily? Hinduism in this area of the world is 99% often referred to as 'the heart of darkness.'


The purpose of our trip is fourfold:

• First, we will be allowing God to work in our lives through the personal enrichment that comes from this type of a mission .

• Second, this mission journey will help us focus our faith and anointing by traveling to a foreign land 'on-site with insight.' with the message of Jesus the Christ.

• Third, we will be visiting remote areas where less than one percent (1%) are Christians. We will be working with pastors and churches to help them grow in their Christian faith.
• Fourth, we will encourage local Christians in those areas. Our presence will bolster their spirits and support their work. 
During this mission we will be donating:
• Over 500 Holy Bibles in the Hindu language
• Individual Care packages

• Clothing for children in the villages and local orphanage

I'm excited about this challenging opportunity and experience that was presented to me. I hope you see the value in what we will accomplish in this Gospel Mission. As you can imagine, a trip like this requires financial support from a number of people and organizations
If you can support me in a financial way, I would be very grateful. 

While money is important, it comes in a distant second to my need for your prayer support. Since prayer support is so important to the success of this mission, Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit; because without faith, prayer, and supplication nothing will happen.
If you would like to be part of this mission through your financial support, on a Monthly basic  please go to the Donation Button.


May The Lord Richly Bless You

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